18 November 2008

It was worth it!


It's not optimized, but still worth viewing!

17 November 2008

AS3 Is getting Harder

5 hours of actionscript, and I was able to move something. I'm still not use to scripting in AS3. I got stuck in the technical things so I don't have that much to show.

10 November 2008

What I have so far...

work in progress...

I've got the map to work. I still need to work on the graphs. Luckily I found a few sites that have graphs that I can use. It's great because I can use xml to manage the data.

08 November 2008

Worst site EVER!!!


If you have something that can beat this, post it!

07 November 2008


I few days ago while I was stuck in traffic, I was thinking that it would be really cool if you can combine GPS with an accelerometer or IRF. And then I read this in macrumors:



02 November 2008

ActionScript 3 Trees


After searching for how to create trees in AS3, I stumbled upon this. It's really cool, but I don't think i'm going to go this route. Maybe the animation part of it. Still awesome.

Google maps API in Flash!

I'm going to incorporate this so people can see GRAS in different cities.