22 January 2009

Beta Version of ohsnapstudios.com released!


Hey everyone, I just released the beta version out. It still has a lot of bugs that I need to address, but for the most part it's functioning.

Things in my to do list:
create a past events link to search for older events, with list and sorting methods.
make sure I embed the DIN-Regular font lol
Install google analytics
Install swfAddress for deep linking
make the News actually link up to a blog
Clean up transitions
Rescale the photo album to fit laptop screens.
centralize all the variables into 1 file, right now i'm using two - one for the calendar, and the other for events with title, description ect...

Long term goals:
create a content management system to make updating the site easier.
A login system for private events...

Well Tell me what you think...