I went to LA DETOUR this weekend. And three things stood out. The Submarines rock, Shiny toy guns suck, and the silent disco was cool. People would get these headsets that have some sort of fm transmitter on them, so you can only listen to the DJ. If you were an outsider, you would see a crowd of people dancing like crazy to no music, yet the crowd were all synced to some sort of beat. The great part is that they would all sing and react to the DJ. The people with the headphones were having a blast--listening to daft punk remixes with 80 songs and top hits. I liked this little experiment even though not that many people showed up for it.
I would have gone if I knew:-)But instead, I was just trying to figure out how to put things together for the midterm project... i have learnt some of the techniques in flash, but some of them are confusing still...
you look adorable!!! Muahh!
-LIZ =]
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