I always wondered what that long rectangular slot was on my macbook pro. I went online to find answers and it turns out to be an express card slot.
A few days ago, I went to the apple store and found an express card that is capable of reading SD memory cards. But at thirty something dollars, it was too expensive. I went on amazon and I found a 21 in 1 card reader for $28! So I bought it. It's a great little piece of hardware. It took me forever to upload pictures from my Lumix Panasonic camera with the USB cable. Now it only takes seconds! It's faster than Firewire 400, and 800.
So what else can the express card slot do?
Multiple screens, Solid State Drive (to use as a scratch disk for Photoshop, After Effects, FinalCut), and USB, eSATA, and Firewire hubs.
Express Card Article
Amazon 21 in 1 Card Reader
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